
orfix International GmbH
Rottorfer Straße 8
21449 Radbruch

+49 4178 8184 – 0

symbol of cash packaging

Cash Packaging
Your cash safely packaged. Economical, proven and well established.

symbol of securtity packaging

Security Packaging
Your valuables safely packaged. Economical, proven and well established.

symbol of industrial packaging

Industrial Packaging
Your goods safely packaged. Securing and packaging. By tradition.

symbol of smart protection

Smart Protection
Your efficient support for all your projects. Intelligent, effective and efficient.

Security solutions for your company’s valuables.

Companies Test and institutions are constantly challenged to fulfill the increasing demands on the safe and protective transport of their goods. As a leading provider of security and prevention solutions, orfix offers products and services that you can rely on. We develop, manufacture and sell packaging with security features made of plastic and paper. We also offer a wide range of additional products for banks, the cash industry, retail, transport and the public sector.

Safety and quality are our top priorities.

This is what we stand for – since 1855.

If you have any queries or if you are looking for special products, please don’t hesitate to contact us or use the search function.

Industry sectors


Looking for tamper-proof storage of retained samples? Available for agricultural and food sectors.

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Industry sectors


orfix is ​​a strong business partner in the industries of cash and e-commerce, e.g. cash packaging, mailing bags and thermal paper.

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Industry sectors


orfix – your expert with production facilities in Europe for cash packaging and protecting & securing cash institutes.

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Industry sectors


orfix is ​​the leading international producer and supplier of packaging and individual product developments for products of all kinds that are banded, bundled, wrapped in foil or must be packed securely.

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Facts & Figures


orfix owns 5 production and distribution companies in Europe


orfix has special know-how in 40 countries all over the world


Around 120 employees in production, development and sales in Europe


More than 2,000 products covering the demand of our customers


10,000 customers trust in the quality and service of orfix

orfix – your specialist for the production of paper and plastic

We develop and produce using state-of-the-art production methods, always with your individual requirements and the environment in mind! We actively live sustainability, we act in a resource-conserving manner and as CO2-neutral as possible. This is what our environmental management stands for. You receive consistent, first-class and certified quality from us, we inspire you with innovations and excellent customer service.

  • The orfix standard range is always in stock.
  • orfix offers individual warehousing and services for personalised goods.
  • orfix is able to produce customised items even in small quantities.
  • orfix offers competent and personalised advice – via contact form, by telephone or on site.

We would be pleased to advise you individually!
Your competent partner with a full range for everyone who counts, packs, transports or stores.