Sustainability Concept
In times of proceeding climate change, global shortage of resources and endangerment of the natural foundations of life, social and individual actions must always be measured against the principle of sustainability.
The self-image of the company orfix International GmbH includes the conscious perception of social responsibility as well as the conscientious handling of resources and the environment exceeding the legal requirements.
The following guidelines serve as a basis:
Resource consumption
The priority is to use all resources (raw materials, energy, space) efficiently and economically. The company endeavors to reduce the use of materials, to realize a high level of recycling and to prefer recycled products when purchasing new products.
Environmental pollution
orfix International constantly tries to avoid negative effects on the environment (sewage, noise, waste, exhaust air) from the outset or – if this is not possible – to reduce them to a minimum.
Training and involvement of employees
Motivated and qualified employees contribute significantly to the success of the company. orfix International offers its employees advanced training on a technical level as well as in the field of personality development.
The CIP (Continuous Improvement Process) is trained across departments and helps to ensure that employees are involved in their relevant areas and asked to identify, communicate and implement possible improvements.
Project funding
The management of orfix International takes the responsibility, coordinates and financially supports projects with the aim of sustainable development. Great importance is attached to the interdisciplinary idea and it is included as a criterion in decisions on investment expenditure.
Procurement and Investment
Sustainability criteria are observed for investments and procurement of any kind, including raw materials. Environmentally friendly variants are given preference.
Furthermore, the company would like to encourage its suppliers and contractual partners to improve the environment.
Plastic in the packaging
The plastics used for safebags must meet strict national and international legal requirements.
The plastic used meets these requirements and has established itself as an almost indispensable packaging material. Its versatility can be seen in a wide variety of ways, for example with thin, yet safe packaging films. By optimizing raw materials, the film thickness should be reduced in order to use as few raw materials as possible.
Plastic is light. Light packaging means less weight during transport. And the less that is transported, the less energy is required for this transport. An effective contribution to resource and climate protection.
In all structural measures, ecological aspects are planned from the outset. The use of environment-friendly materials, optimal use of space and resource-efficient future management are sought.
The maintenance of the green areas and bodies of water is done also environmentally friendly. The generation and the use of renewable energies are given a high priority. In the long term, an energy supply that is as self-sufficient as possible is sought.
October 2020

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