SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals
orfix International GmbH commits to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). These are United Nations goals aimed at promoting sustainable development worldwide, including poverty alleviation, environmental protection, gender equality, and education by 2030. We can be proud that we can address 11 out of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This demonstrates our commitment and progress towards a more sustainable future.
You can also find our sustainability report as a PDF here.

How we ensure fair payment:
- Unlimited employment contracts
- Planning security for suppliers through long-term contracts
- Fair wages and social responsibility in the supply chain
For us, the financial independence of all people is a matter close to our hearts. For this reason, we developed a transparent and comprehensible remuneration concept in close exchange with our works council in 2014, which is based on the maxim „fair wages for fair work“ and corresponds at least to the level of the statutory minimum wage.
At orfix, all remuneration is basically determined according to the nature of the job, regardless of the gender or age of our employees. We also reward special commitment with individual bonus payments. In addition, we give our employees a share in the success of our company through a company bonus, which each employee receives in the same amount regardless of the individual number of hours worked.

What we do for the health of our employees:
- Holistic occupational health management
- Culture of trust and appreciation of employees
- Occupational safety and health protection in the supply chain
In the area of preventive health care, orfix offers all employees regular check-ups by the company physician. In addition, we cooperate with the “back mobile” of the employers‘ liability insurance association and are in exchange with important health insurance companies about the introduction of relevant health offers.
We have already implemented a large number of measures to improve ergonomics. For example, employees have access to crane systems for lifting heavy loads and anti-fatigue mats in our production facilities, while in our offices we also have ergonomic furniture such as height-adjustable tables, office chairs and sitting balls.
The weekly running group training for the annual highlight, the MOPO relay race in Hamburg, is very popular with our employees.

How we promote the education and further training of our employees:
- Further training programs for employees
- Internship and apprenticeship opportunities
- Training programs in the supply chain
- Cooperation with schools and universities
orfix is proud to be a training company that qualifies young people for the job market in the areas of administration and production.
In addition, we have been cooperating with several universities for many years, employing working students and regularly supervising student projects as part of bachelor and master theses.
Our in-company training and further education is based on a three-pillar model consisting of training courses required by the company, specialised training resulting from the appraisal interviews and individual training as part of employee development.

What we do for gender equality:
- High proportion of women, especially in management positions
- Part-time models and flexible working hours
- Raising awareness of the issue of diversity
- Equal opportunities in the supply chain
In our company, the proportion of women is 38 percent, and 17 percent in the extended management circle.
In order to promote the compatibility of family and career for all employees, we offer individual and flexible working time models. Our aim here is to find the right solution for every life situation and work task. One component is the offer of mobile working.
We pay our employees regardless of their gender. Therefore, the principle of equal pay for equal work has applied to us for many years. Since 2014, we have ensured this through our transparent remuneration system.

What we do for clean water:
- Avoidance of harmful chemicals
- Rainwater utisation for production and sanitary facilities
- Saving water in the supply chain
- Promotion of well construction projects
Water is life. That’s why we at orfix take a particularly responsible approach to this important resource. Water consumption has been optimized throughout the entire production process.
Instead of solvent-based paints, we increasingly use environmentally friendly water-based paints. In this way, we continuously and specifically reduce the use of ethanol.

How we optimize our energy and CO₂ consumption:
- Climate neutrality at the sites
- Use of our own electricity from renewable energy sources
- Energy-efficient building structure
Since 2015, we have already been purchasing 100 percent of our electricity as pure green electricity from our local supplier. In the future, we also want to use our own green electricity from solar energy and are working on implementing this.
In our production, we have optimized large parts of the plants for energy efficiency and also raised our employees’ awareness of energy saving. The result: from 2016 to 2022, our electricity consumption has fallen by 27.2 percent. The continuous optimization of our facilities also contributes to this.
We will achieve further savings in the short term by the short term through the complete renewal of the compressed air generation plant at the beginning of 2023, thanks to energy-saving compressors and state-of-the-art control technology.

How we reconcile economic growth and the common welfare:
- Holistic sustainability strategy
- Increasing the sustainability of the company
- Partnership-based cooperation with suppliers
- Promotion of sustainable consumption
As early as 2009, we set ourselves the creation of decent jobs as an equally important corporate goal, in addition to optimizing our cost structure and corporate growth. Furthermore, we clearly opposed child labor and, as a matter of principle, do not purchase goods from such countries.
In the course of our plant expansion towards Serbia and Eastern Europe, we have actively worked to ensure that humane conditions were created in the production facilities, for example, bright and modern workplaces, insulated break rooms and hygienic sanitary facilities.

How we drive innovation:
- Production close to the site
- Environmentally friendly mobility concept
- Innovation through internal idea management
- Support for suppliers in environmental protection
Innovative solutions require a permanent exchange with experts.
That is why we work closely with renowned institutes, such as the Fraunhofer Institute, the Institute for Bioplastics & Biocomposites Hanover and numerous professional associations.
To promote internal innovations, we have implemented a so-called
innovation funnel. All employees can contribute suggestions and innovation ideas via this tool.
In addition, we are focusing on the digitalization of our business
processes and can thus increasingly offer environmentally friendly work from the home office in more and more areas of the company.

How we are committed to our region:
- Sustainable mobility concepts for employees
- Commitment to issues in the region
- Promoting biodiversity at our sites
At all our sites, we are firmly rooted in the respective region.
At our site in Germany, we support a variety of different institutions and events. In this context, we regularly support the Radbruch kinder-garten and the Radbruch children‘s fire brigade and participate in regional events and club celebrations.

How we bring sustainability into our production processes:
- Promotion of the circular economy
- Environmentally conscious selection of materials
- Production of durable products
- Transparent product communication
In our company, ecological and economic sustainability is the focus of our actions. We use natural resources, raw materials and land responsibly and align our production processes with environmental aspects. We pay attention to the continuous optimization and reduction of our energy consumption and consider their environmental management as an evaluation criterion when selecting suppliers.
Our internal environmental agenda also includes the priority use of sustainable products, some of which we develop ourselves and offer under the label „GREEN LABEL by orfix“. With this label, we document our systematic sustainable actions in product development and are thus able to replace more and more conventional materials with more sustainable alternatives.
Our certificates: certification according to DIN ISO 14001 (since 2013), award with the quality label „Green Electricity“ (since 2015), certification according to the “Blue Angel“ (since 2017) and the licensing of our
packaging according to the Packaging Act at Interseroh (since 2019).

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