
orfix International GmbH
Rottorfer Straße 8
21449 Radbruch


+49 4178 8184 – 0

More value through sustainability.

orfix – Protecting nature. Protecting people.

As a family-run medium-sized company, we do not pay lip service to sustainable action and the protection of the environment, but rather express our ecological responsibility. This is why orfix has been addressing the issue of sustainability in a holistic sense for years, not least through the initiative of our shareholders at home and abroad.

In times of climate change, scarcity of resources and the endangerment of the natural basis of life we invested here early on in order to act in an economically, ecologically and socially sustainable manner. Our corporate strategy is also designed for holistic sustainable management in the future.

Certified environmental and quality management systems support us in successfully implementing our strategy for the benefit of the environment, our employees, our stakeholders and our company.

With the 2030 Agenda adopted in 2015, the United Nations have agreed to become the 17th
committed to global goals (Sustainable Development Goals / SDGs) for a better future.
We are also committed to the sustainable development goals of the UN. We have these
made the basis of our sustainability strategy. Here we show you what we
have already achieved 11 of the goals for the time being.

Or download our sustainability report.

Die orfix Gruppe mit allen Stansorten in Europa (Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, Serbien und Polen). The orfix Group with all stamping varieties in Europe (Germany, France, Italy, Serbia, and Poland). Le groupe orfix avec tous les types de tampons en Europe (Allemagne, France, Italie, Serbie et Pologne). Il gruppo orfix con tutte le varietà di timbri in Europa (Germania, Francia, Italia, Serbia e Polonia). Grupa orfix sa svim vrstama štampanja u Evropi (Nemačka, Francuska, Italija, Srbija i Poljska).

Gern beraten wir Sie individuell!
Ihr kompetenter Partner mit einem umfassenden Sortiment für alle, die zählen, verpacken, transportieren oder lagern.