orfix International GmbH
Rottorfer Straße 8 · 21449 Radbruch
Tel. + 49 (0) 4178 8184 – 0 · fax + 49 (0) 4178 8184 – 99
As per § 55 RStV: Managing Director: Ingolf Planer, Andreas Wulf, Holger Schröder
Commercial Register District Court Lüneburg
Register-No.: HRB204576
VAT-No.: DE291453980
Tax-No.: 33 209 01 755
D-U-N-S-No.: 340617443
LUCID-No. DE5823620695200
Commerzbank AG
IBAN: DE04 2004 0000 0100 3755 00
Hamburger Sparkasse
IBAN: DE31 2005 0550 1213 1247 36
Our General Terms and Conditions
Concept, Text and Webdesign:
Konzept, Text und Webdesign:
Netzkunst24 Design- und Internetagentur GmbH
August-Wellenkamp-Straße 20 · 21337 Lüneburg
Telefon: +49 (0) 4131 / 92 72 27-0
info@netzkunst24.de · www.netzkunst24.de
All the information and explanations on these web pages are non-binding. The orfix International GmbH Company accepts no responsibility for the correctness or completeness of the contents. No guarantee of any kind is provided and no product characteristics are warranted. No legal claims may be derived from the contents of the web pages. Any errors in the contents will be corrected directly upon notification. Because of the time required for updating, the contents of the internet pages cannot be permanently up to date. Please ask for the latest details concerning the product, availability and services offered. Links to other Internet pages are not continuously monitored; therefore we accept no responsibility for the contents of linked sites.
This imprint is valid for orfix.com, orfix.de as well as shop.orfix.com.

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Your competent partner with a full range for everyone who counts, packs, transports or stores.